Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Topple the Government?! O_o"

Malaysian opposition has numbers to topple govt:

Anwar Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said Monday he
has enough support to topple the government and wants to meet
with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss a handover.


"What Anwar has said will happen soon as all the people are backing him.
The change of government will happen very soon now," said Nursikin Bahrom,
a 23-year-old student.


"Anwar has promised us a new beginning and we will support him when the battle
begins on the 16th... he is our new prime minister and the BN should realise this,"
said businessman Abdul Aziz Rashid, 36.

omgawd! omgawd! topple the government?!
now tis is sumthing new, wonder how it works..
feels sorta like an excerpt from an anarchy movie..
hopefully minus the riots, chaos and disorder.. =/

otr reads.. Anwar: We're ready to form new gov't


nalini said...

darurat! yay! nose nids works!