Sony Ericsson W880i
Reference Price :
RM 1600 - 1680
RM 1220 - 1250 (AP)
wasnt love at 1st sight..d 1st time i laid my eyes on it..
i went like..'who d hell would waste $$ on such a phone..'
thought it was real ugly..d design and all..
but d more i looked at it..d more i felt for it..
rofl..still refering to d phone..mind u!
might not hav d prettiest keypad..
but den unique wert..
d thing i like about tis phone is tis..
Dimensions(mm) -103x46.5x9.4
waraouuu!! ada banyak slim!! u feelin' it?!
gals would kill to get such a figure..
x_x dun mind me..
anyways..u get d idea..
its real slim..d way i like it! ^^

Sony Ericsson K810i
Reference Price :
RM 1500 - 1580
RM 1225 - 1255 (AP)
keypad looks real sleek..
esp like d numberings and d buttons..
kinda bulky if compared to w880i..
deciding on which phone to buy is like choosing a partner..
k810i has got d good looks..cool and all..
whereas w880i is sweet..
u feel for it more, each passing day..rofl!
but den at d end of d day..
d one thing dat matters most..
is, in one way or another, got lalang wif d green stuffs..
i think ill wait for d price to drop a bit more..
den only decide on which to buy..=/
ROFL! wat the...
hahaha. man, see? blog entries come in naturally.
you write very farking well pal. keep it up =)
"deciding on which phone to buy is like choosing a partner.."
uh huh..
hahaha..yea yea..
and i hope ill stick to it like i stick to my lurve..for eternity..
and thanx for d compliment..
uh huh..trade offs and compromise huh..hahaha..
K810i is way better compare to other ericsson phones. Unless you feel like carrying another camera.
I'm using K800i and i can tell you that it's one of the best phone out there right now, and K810i is the improved version of K800i.
The camera is well worth the money, even tho i get it for free here.. :P
iPhone huh..read in d papers its out adi..
wonder how long is it gonna take to reach our shores..
but den only rich ppl like u can afford such phones ler..
poor ppl like me knot afford..T.T
hey jo,
long time no see..howve u been? still in uk?
yea i heard d cam on k810i is kewl..
but den i dun camwhore much oso ler..
plus i think its kinda bulky..no?
Yea its abit bulky for girls i guess.. Well, you can start camwhore-ing once you get k810i and blog :P
will consider once ive got enuff extra cash..teehee..
camwhore? i dun think so..
later ppl start complaining again..
"Heliχ said...
better den posting own face for others to see rite? "
"but den only "rich" ppl like u can afford such phones ler..
"poor" ppl like me knot afford..T.T"
IPHONe next year !!!
"Heliχ said...
better den posting own face for others to see rite? "
apa ni!!! i dun wan to eat the 51 bytes of words le !
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