while my buddies were at e-gate..checking out *cough cough*..lim kopi..
i'm back at home..in my room..in front of my lappie..
dey've been complaining dat evrytime i went..thr's nothing to see..
evrytime i dun wanna go..dey'll b calling me on my cell asking me to go over..
and dat thr's loads to see..u say la..cb or not frens like dis..
if only i had a place closer to theirs..
my place is like so freaking far from theirs..
hafta go from one end of d island to d other...
wanna go out a bit later after work oso sien..sigh...
since ive got nthg better to do..had a lil syok sendiri session..haha..
and to those who dun knoe me..tis is mua..
dis is wad happens after a day at work..
see la..u ppl make me so miserable..u guys knoe who u r..
go lim kopi but dun wan bring me along..
wash eye while i stay home and blog..u wait! u wait!
eleh.. tok cock!!!
i called.. wat u said?
"mai la mai la..
ok har..."
so fast wana close down the fon dunno 4 wat... wana tok bit more oso knot.. dunno bz doin wat.. ah.. i no. SS!! haha..
pls la ur shirt ah.. can ahem...
nvm.. mite as well don wear... more yeng ma.. haha..
waiting. are you coming already?
all make 1 cup kopi, video conference.solved ur prob
jen..u guys say until like dat..
i wan go also paiseh la..
later i go adi u all nothing to see..
i kena blame again..
aL..was alrdy thr..
helix..kopi and vid conferencing?
like dat see a few ppl punya faces nia wor..
better den posting own face for others to see rite?
eh.. everytime we say nia ok?
we don mean it 1..
we rather u to be there wid us enjoy the chat and see nth..
u no how sad onot wen everytime we get to see things but u werent der?
realli.. serious... everywher we go, we want u to b der wid us too...
*my bulu naik liao* LOL!!!
helix, y..i very ugly meh now..
knot show face ar?
bsides..dun knoe wad to blog about oso..
jen..pls..i totally get u..
dun hafta repeat over and over again..
i was jst joking okie..
dun get all mushy here..i not used to it..haha..
yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! we love you ok. muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
err..i lurve u guys too...
low batt face.charge up ur batt b4 showing
aiya blog post anything also can de...
helix, working days its like dat de la..
only recharged on fri nites till sunday..
low batt from monday all d way thru friday..haha..
oh helix... u should see her on fri-sun..
no1 can handle her if she's drunk!!
mine diff charging from mon- thur..den fri to sun used up all the energy.
pc ..as i could rmbr her face was like that from mon-sun.batt gone case.drunk that was new.
like dat la u two..
sau chi ngau chut mm ngau yap..
talk bad about me not behind my back..
but under under my nose..cis!
eh pc..i dun drink wan okie..
how d hell to get drunk?
helix..was like dat back in kl bcos we all year thru oso like friday nite leh..batt no time to charge oso..
oh maybe u are hanging out wit a bunch of nuclear submarine while u were still using diesal submarine.so time to switch!
sure o not dun drink?..so kuai meh
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