"We are pleased to inform you that you have been confirmed in your
appointment as Programmer with effect from July 1st 2007"
5months on probation..alas my boss has decided to confirm me..
upon confirmation had a tiny bit of salary adjstment..
roughly around 16~17%..parents said normal ard 8-10% nia wor..
dun knoe how true is dat..or could be bcos my starting pay kinda low..
but den calculate lai calculate ki..figures also knot tally lor..
althou letter signed adi, next month only get money ar..
but den alrdy owe ppl lunches and dinners liau..
boss and colleagues alrdy ask orh..confirm d when wan treat..
grandma, aunties and parents..O.o' like la i'm earning a 5 figure salary..
if so..i treat evryone to breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper also no sweat..
wif d tiny bit of salary adjstment..hafta pay for my car installments..
like got no difference like dat..increment = no increment...=(
but den knot really complain about d salary also..
i think its only parallel to d workload ler..
tis place i'm at..really relaxed..no deadlines wan..
but when d boss asks for ur work..den u'd knoe ure behind schedule..
hmm..so now dat ive secured my 1st job..whr do i go from here?
wad hav i gotta do for further job advancements?
how do i better improve myself as an employee..
which i hope..in turn would lead to more MARNEY!!!
=/ now i'm stucked..
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Posted by ColleenC at 9:43 pm 8 comments
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
to buy or not to buy?

Sony Ericsson W880i
Reference Price :
RM 1600 - 1680
RM 1220 - 1250 (AP)
wasnt love at 1st sight..d 1st time i laid my eyes on it..
i went like..'who d hell would waste $$ on such a phone..'
thought it was real ugly..d design and all..
but d more i looked at it..d more i felt for it..
rofl..still refering to d phone..mind u!
might not hav d prettiest keypad..
but den unique wert..
d thing i like about tis phone is tis..
Dimensions(mm) -103x46.5x9.4
waraouuu!! ada banyak slim!! u feelin' it?!
gals would kill to get such a figure..
x_x dun mind me..
anyways..u get d idea..
its real slim..d way i like it! ^^

Sony Ericsson K810i
Reference Price :
RM 1500 - 1580
RM 1225 - 1255 (AP)
keypad looks real sleek..
esp like d numberings and d buttons..
kinda bulky if compared to w880i..
deciding on which phone to buy is like choosing a partner..
k810i has got d good looks..cool and all..
whereas w880i is sweet..
u feel for it more, each passing day..rofl!
but den at d end of d day..
d one thing dat matters most..
is, in one way or another, got lalang wif d green stuffs..
i think ill wait for d price to drop a bit more..
den only decide on which to buy..=/
Posted by ColleenC at 10:08 pm 8 comments
Friday, 22 June 2007
fridae nite..
while my buddies were at e-gate..checking out *cough cough*..lim kopi..
i'm back at home..in my room..in front of my lappie..
dey've been complaining dat evrytime i went..thr's nothing to see..
evrytime i dun wanna go..dey'll b calling me on my cell asking me to go over..
and dat thr's loads to see..u say la..cb or not frens like dis..
if only i had a place closer to theirs..
my place is like so freaking far from theirs..
hafta go from one end of d island to d other...
wanna go out a bit later after work oso sien..sigh...
since ive got nthg better to do..had a lil syok sendiri session..haha..
and to those who dun knoe me..tis is mua..
dis is wad happens after a day at work..
see la..u ppl make me so miserable..u guys knoe who u r..
go lim kopi but dun wan bring me along..
wash eye while i stay home and blog..u wait! u wait!
Posted by ColleenC at 11:17 pm 16 comments
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Porsche Cayenne Turbo..
was on my way back home after yamcha wif mel & weng hsi..
tis sleek machine caught my attention..
not only bcos it was a porsche..
but also bcos of tis..
SU1A? i dun knoe..but ive never seen such plate ma..
langkawi license plate ar?
arhs..not as interesting as 'k155' or AR53' etc etc..
but i had to come up wif sumting to post about ma..
so let tis be my 1st..=/
Posted by ColleenC at 1:38 am 7 comments
Teh Ais?
m suppose to be in bed..
but think i had a lil too much teh ais jst now..
hav gotta be up by 615am..
and its alrdy 133am but still wide awake..
x_x tmr is gonna be a long long day for me in d office..
not getting enuff sleep and all..
anyways..since i cant sleep..
i figured id give this blogging thingy another try..
Posted by ColleenC at 1:32 am 2 comments