was supposed to meet up with the gang for Twilight at Queensbay yday..
yin tried to get the tickets over the counter a day before but there were only crappy seats left, 4 rows in front of d screen, given it was movie day at GSC..
so we decided to give the cineplex at BJ a try instead..=/
wasnt all too excited about the idea..
have always tot for dat place to be a lil shabby and chau bi..=x
but nalini assured me dat she'd bring her bi to cover up all the otr unpleasant bi's..rofl!
there were only like 15 of us occupying the entire medium-sized cinema..
felt like we booked up the entire place..hehe..
comprises of the dad, mum and the kids..^^Y
and in case u find d guy lead familiar but cant point a finger..
let me help u out a lil...

yup..u got that right..he's dat cedric guy from Harry Porter..
the senior who got killed by Lord Voldermot in the Tri-Wizards Tournament..

all in all, the movie was okie but a lil low on the action scenes..
brings being a vampire to a whole new level..no coffins, bats nor dark caves..
they're so cool and yeng..makes u wanna be a vampire!
such beautiful creatures..*bats eyelashes* rofl..
I want to watch Bolt
Bolt is nice..but Madagascar2 still better..
the hamster named Rhino is a lil mental wan..O_o" haha
yesss... here comes Nalini!
everybody breaaaathe! :P
eh Cedric Dig matured d from Harry Potter... i think he looks better now...
ahaha! yea yea..angel wont stop drooling over him..
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