d jam was jst horrible along pcghs..
got so freaking bored i started taking pics..O_o"
i'd not survive one day..i'm more a laid-back kinda person..
seriously..i didnt knoe we had miniature apples these day..^^"
compare to a sunkist orange..tiny isnt it? O_o!
and finally..
"there were 6 of us..
but one got lost..so if any of u guys out thr..
happen to find our lost sibling.."
do gimme a buzz..
thankiews =* *muax*
did you took the photo while you are driving?
I am your sibling. :p
take rapid penang lo..haha
phone got auto focus ..ur car got auto pilot ?..cornering leh!!
Apple nano!
i saw all moo(cow) sibling, all bag up at the hypermarket freezer...sad..all perish..my condolences to moo.
i love the second pic..nice!!
ooo, second pic you photoshop ah? or put long shutter speed time? hehe ur cow so cute lor!! :D
err..yes wor..
drive use 1 hand only wan ma..
going very slow oso..
sibling from diff parents ya? XP
haha..furnee one..
no nid auto pilot la..
one hand steering..d other phone lor..
nano changgih huh!
pity mooo =="
den nxt time i take more? O_o
err..no wor..normal snap wif hp nia wor..
yalor..as cute as me hor..=)
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