not d best..but will do for now ler..
roflmao!! almost fell off d chair when yin said dat..
see if tis is ur cuppa ericsson w960i..
Posted by ColleenC at 10:26 pm
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cool..i like the ext. was the speaker ?
13 year years?or light years?..haha
I also wan a new hp..T.T
need to wait until i got $$ first...=p
speakers so so nia ler..
only for looks..
can get dem at rm68/- if not mistaken..
13years old..human years!
knot ar? :P *bluekx*
wanna get nice hps..price oso nice..
wait till their price drop..
den bcome not nice liau..haha..
WTF? 13 yo? hahahaha... nvm la.. let u say it all la... 13 oni u alone no nia.. every1 here oso no u turning TWENTY-THREE this yr ok?? ONE THREE pulak!!
LoL, did that phone really make people look younger? :P
hahahah 13yo eh... still babykia... always that choo bee eh... :P :P :P
my arse lah babykia... tukia got lah.
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